Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
LIHWAP provides emergency assistance to low-income households who are disconnected or are in imminent threat of disconnection.
LIHWAP provides water assistance to households in Idaho through the same network of community action agencies and local partners that provide the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). These local organizations will help you determine if you’re eligible and how much assistance you might receive. If you qualify, your local agency will send a payment directly to your water utility on behalf of your household.
Households eligible for water assistance are also qualified for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
Program Eligibility
Eligibility is based on several factors, including household income, drinking water, and sewer costs. Household and income eligibility are the same as for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

How do I know If I’m eligible?
The chart below breaks down the income limits per family size in order to determine whether or not a family falls under the requirements. If you require assistance, please make sure you fall under the income limit and have the following information ready before you call:
Names and birthdates for all household members
Social Security numbers for at least one household members
Heating energy vendor name and account number (if utility bill)
Electricity vendor name and account number (if electricity bill)
Verification of service address (if utility bill)
Verification of income (wage stubs, Social Security award letters, etc.) for all household members
Completed and signed online application (select Create an Account)